Il secondo gruppo di speaker è online!

Diamo un caldo benvenuto al secondo gruppo di speaker!

Ok, ora conosci già dodici dei nostri 19 speaker! Se te lo fossi perso, ecco il primo fantastico gruppo.

Adesso hai 12 buoni motivi per acquistare il biglietto per WCMIL! 😉

Andrea Cardinali

Andrea Cardinali esperto di web marketing e programmatore specializzato nello sviluppo di soluzioni con WordPress. Da quando ho scoperto che tutto è migliorabile ho iniziato a migliorare me stesso e da allora non ho più smesso. Amo imparare cose nuove e questo mi rende estremamente curioso, sia sul web che nella vita di tutti i giorni.

Giuseppe Mazzapica

Sviluppatore PHP dal 2005, Giuseppe scrive il suo primo tema WordPress nel 2006 e da allora è parte della community WordPress mantenendo e collaborando a decine di progetti open-source.
Moderatore della community “”WordPress Development Stack Exchange”” è anche uno dei suoi più attivi utenti.
Dopo anni da indipendente e un’esperienza presso NZZ, importante gruppo media europeo, Giuseppe oggi è WordPress engineer presso Inpsyde, una delle più grandi agenzie WordPress europee e VIP partner.

Emanuel Blagonic

Emanuel has more than 14 years of experience and more than 500 different projects with worldwide clients on his back. From designing websites to designing touch–screen applications, he worked with small and big clients, startups and global projects. Although primarily a designer, he’s been in love with WordPress for more than 10 years, being one of the biggest promoters in Croatia – writing articles about WordPress that are not only promoting WordPress but open source as well. He helps organise WordCamps and Meetups in Croatia, and part of WordCamp Europe organising team.

As one of the pioneers of the web standards movement in Croatia he is active in community where he works on building a better understanding for design process and educates clients as much as possible. Can be found on Twitter as @eblagonic.

Sergey Biryukov

WordPress Core Committer and plugin author, also working on Polyglots, Support, and Meta teams. Co-founder of Russian WP community.

Eugenio Petullà

Eugenio Petullà è un Mozilla Tech Speaker e un Full Stack Developer interessato sopratutto alla divulgazione e alla diffusione di tecnologie open source. Durante gli ultimi anni è stato invitato come relatore in alcune delle più grandi conferenze europee riguardo lo sviluppo, WordPress e il mondo del software libero.

Davide Casali

Davide Casali, better known as “Folletto”, is a user experience director and startup advisor. He has an hybrid background in design, psychology, business, and technology. His mission is to change for better the quality of life of the people through the products he designs and lead. He currently works in Automattic, the company behind

During his 15+ years of professional experience, he designed and consulted for consumer (B2C), enterprise (B2B) and internal products, reaching more than 6 million users worldwide in different markets and industries. He worked with companies like Bank of England, Intesa Sanpaolo, Banca Sella, Unicredit, Nokia, Vodafone, Telecom Italia, Ferrari and Benetton.

He co-founded Good 50×70, an international social communication project and Baker Framework, a platform to publish HTML5 books and magazines on the iPad. He developed with Gianandrea Giacoma Motivational Design, a method that provides a theoretical approach and tools to deal with social dynamics and design social environments.

He was a design partner in the startup WideTag where he led the product design of WideNoise, listed in the Compasso D’Oro selection, the ADI Design Index 2010, and selected in the Top 10 Internet of Things Products of 2009.

In Automattic, he crafted many facets of the experience – from the overall navigation and design patterns to the customization and themes showcase experiences – he was directly involved in the multi-year project Calypso, the open source infrastructure. He also contributed as a designer to multiple releases of WordPress

WordCamp Milano is over. Check out the next edition!