Grazie Seeweb


Italian text is followed by English

Gli sponsor sono fondamentali per realizzare il miglior WordCamp possibile e noi gli siamo veramente grati. Oggi vi presentiamo uno dei nostri sponsor Duomo (Platinum): Seeweb

Seeweb è una società leader nei servizi di Hosting ed Housing, Colocation e Content Delivery, di fascia alta e destinati alla clientela Corporate. Presente in Italia con quattro data-center certificati (Milano e Frosinone) è costantemente tra le prime 10 Hosting Company a livello mondiale per affidabilità e qualità del servizio (classifica Netcraft).

Nel 2009 è stato il primo ISP italiano in assoluto che inizia a fornire soluzioni Cloud. Oggi Seeweb è in grado di fornire al cliente dall’hosting cloud all’infrastruttura complessa, dal cloud “unmanaged” a quello con i massimi livelli di SLA e ridondanza, dal Database as a service al backup remoto, passando per lo storage e lo streaming.
Con il suo knowhow, Seeweb segue il cliente dal momento della progettazione dell’architettura, individuando la soluzione migliore e supportandolo nelle successive fasi della crescita sul web tramite le attività di consulenza e grazie a un assistenza tecnica rapida e H24.


Sponsors are the key to a successful WordCamp e we are very grateful to all the great companies and services that have supported us in this endeavor. Today we present you our Duomo (Platinum) sponsor Seeweb.

Seeweb is leader in high-end, corporate hosting and housing services, in colocation and in content delivery. They are present in Italy with four certified data centers (Milano and Frosinone) and is constantly being ranked (by Netcraft) amongst the top 10 providers worldwide for reliability and service quality.
In 2009, Seeweb was the first Italian ISP to offer cloud solutions, today they can offer their clients services that range from cloud hosting to complex infrastructures; from “unmanaged” to clouds with the highest SLA and redundancy; from DataBase as a service to remote backups, passing through storage and streaming.
With its knowhow, Seeweb follows its clients from the architectural design through finding the best fitting solution, supporting them in all phases of their growth through punctual consulting and a fast and always available technical support.


Autore: simo70

I'm the COO of a company specialising in consulting in the digital training industry. I first encountered WordPress as a user and became passionate about it. After attending the 'diversity speaker' workshop and gaining experience with Toastmasters, I strive to support individuals who want to speak in public.

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