Grazie CSSIgniter


Italian text is followed by English

Gli sponsor sono fondamentali per realizzare il miglior WordCamp possibile e noi gli siamo veramente grati. Oggi vi presentiamo uno dei nostri sponsor Gae Aulenti (Silver): CSSIgniter

CSSIgniter è una “powerhouse” greca che produce temi e plugin e che, al momento, offre un portfolio di oltre 75 temi per WordPress in diverse categorie: portfolio, business, magazine/blogging, conference, photography, travel/hotel, gaming, fitness/health/beauty, e-commerce, law, medical, religious, restaurant e musicI temi possono essere acquistati singolarmente o attraverso un abbonamento annuale dal costo di 59$, che consente l’accesso illimitato a tutti i temi e plugin e al supporto dedicato.

I temi di CSSIgniter sono robusti, belli ed estremamente flessibili e attraverso un servizio clienti affidabile e efficace, i clienti ricevono grande e attenzione e rapidi riscontri.


Sponsors are the key to a successful WordCamp e we are very grateful to all the great companies and services that have supported us in this endeavor. Today we present you our Gae Aulenti (Silver) sponsor CSSIgniter.

CSSIgniter is a Greek theme & plugin “powerhouse”, with a current portfolio of over 75 WordPress themes ranging in different categories, such as portfolio, business, magazine/blogging, conference, photography, travel/hotel, gaming, fitness/health/beauty, e-commerce, law, medical, religious, restaurant and music.

Themes can be purchased singularly or through a yearly subscription that gives full access and support for as little as 59$. CSSIgniter’s themes are powerfully built, beautifully designed and very flexible. Lots of attention is given to customers, through a reliable and effective customer service.


Autore: raffaella isidori

Creative polymath | brand, comms, design | social entrepreneur | Founder + CEO | Founder + Creative Director | mindfulness & emotional | passionate about inclusivity, ethics, human skills, and emotional agility | IFNJ | her, she | online, I'm @zetaraffix

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