È online l’agenda di WordCamp Milano 2016

Italian text is followed by English

Dopo la selezione dei relatori e delle sessioni, siamo felici di pubblicare l’agenda della giornata di conferenza del 22 ottobre.

Come puoi vedere ce n’è davvero per tutti i gusti e livelli di conoscenza di WordPress. Ti ricordiamo che la conferenza si terrà in due sale: Track “Materia” e Track “Elasticità”.



After selecting the speakers and the sessions, we are happy to publish the schedule for the conference day, October 22nd.

As you can see there’s a variety of topics and for all levels of knowledge of WordPress. The conference will be held in two halls:Track “Materia” e Track “Elasticità”.


Autore: Dennis Ploetner

Dennis is an experienced PHP web developer who is passionate about WordPress and open source. He is curious when it comes to new trends in computer science and spends much of his free time updating and maintaining his WordPress plugins and supporting users. He is a native German speaker and speaks fluent Italian as he lives in Italy. He is also an active member of the Milan WordPress community, where he contributes as co-organiser of the WordPress Meetup.

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WordCamp Milano 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!