Diamo il benvenuto al primo gruppo di speaker


Italian text is followed by English

Vi presentiamo il primo gruppo di speaker del WCMIL 2016

Omar Reiss si è laureato in Filosofia ad Amsterdam. Durante gli studi è diventato anche uno sviluppatore di software tanto da essere CTO di Yoast.
Il suo talk sarà “Why every programmer should read Plato (“or why Socrates had a great talent for programming.”) [EN]
Spiegherà perché, come programmatore, la comprensione di alcuni concetti filosofici (come la Maieutica) possono essere molto utili per imparare la programmazione e la costruzione di un nuovo software.

Franz Vitulli lavora a Human Made, agenzia partner VIP di WordPress.com. Partecipa alle attività di marketing e business development dell’agenzia, e quando non è davanti al suo portatile sta o suonando uno dei suoi bassi o sudando in palestra.
Il talk “Non solo Slack: Comunicazione Interna per Aziende Distribuite” è per tutti coloro che lavorano in remoto e vorrebbero comunicare più efficacemente, e per chiunque voglia imparare a possedere i mezzi di comunicazione anziché esserne posseduti.

Andrea Cardinali è consulente SEO e programmatore specializzato nello sviluppo di soluzioni con WordPress. Da quando ha scoperto che tutto è migliorabile ha iniziato a migliorare se stesso e da allora non ha più smesso.
In “The end of “It works on my machine”. Professional WordPress development con Vagrant”Spiegherà come risolvere i problemi nel setup di ambienti di sviluppo grazie all’utilizzo di Vagrant e VVV.  Finirà l’era del “Sul mio computer funziona”.

Rian Rietveld è un ingegnere di WordPress Human Made. E’ un membro di Make WordPress Accessible Team e una WordPress contributing developer.
Durante “Web accessibility, where to start? [EN]” ci spiegherà come costruire un sito web accessibile o un plug-in, evidenziando cosa è importante e da dove cominciare.


Welcome to our first group of speakers of WCMIL 2016

Omar Reiss graduated from the University of Amsterdam in 2014 with a Master’s Degree in Philosophy. While studying philosophy, he was already pursuing a career in software development. He joined team Yoast in September 2014 as a software architect, and quickly became responsible for professionalizing the development cycle and the way the software was organized. As CTO he is currently focusing on the bigger picture of Software Development at Yoast, working together with a great team of skilled software engineers.
His talk is titled “Why every programmer should read Plato (“or why Socrates had a great talent for programming.”) [EN]
He will explain why, as a programmer, the understanding of some philosophical concepts (like Maieutica) could be very useful to learn to program or to build new software.

Franz Vitulli works for Human Made, VIP partner agency for WordPress.com. He participates in marketing and business development activities, and when he’s not with his laptop he’s playing one of his bass guitars or sweating in the gym.
The talk “Non solo Slack: Comunicazione Interna per Aziende Distribuite” is for everyone who wants to work remotely and would like to communicate effectively, and for everyone who wants to control communication media and not be owned.

Andrea Cardinali is a SEO consultant and a programmer specialized in WordPress. Since he discovered that everything could be improved, he began to improve himself and he never stopped.
In “The end of “It works on my machine”. Professional WordPress development con Vagrant” he will explain how to solve problems with the setup of development environments using Vagrant and VVV. The “It works on my machine” era will be just a memory after that.

Rian Rietveld is a WordPress engineer working at Human Made. She’s a member of the WordPress Accessibility team and a WordPress Core contributor.
With “Web accessibility, where to start? [EN]” she will explain us how to build an accessible website or plugin, highlighting what’s important and where to start.

Autore: simo70

I'm the COO of a company specialising in consulting in the digital training industry. I first encountered WordPress as a user and became passionate about it. After attending the 'diversity speaker' workshop and gaining experience with Toastmasters, I strive to support individuals who want to speak in public.

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