Call for Speakers

Italian text is followed by English

WordCamp Milano 2016 si terrà presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, sabato 22 Ottobre 2016.

Da questo momento e fino all’11 settembre 2016 potrai inviare la tua candidatura per proporti come speaker.

Di cosa parliamo?

Di tutto ciò che riguarda WordPress ed il suo mondo, naturalmente.
Queste sono alcune idee, ma i tuoi suggerimenti saranno benvenuti:

  • Development
  • Open Source
  • Community
  • Design
  • Content strategy
  • Business
  • Digital marketing
  • Blogging
  • SEO

Desideri candidarti?

Le candidature sono chiuse! Grazie a tutti, vi faremo sapere al più presto.

Altre informazioni

  • Se vuoi candidarti con più talk, compila e invia tanti form quanti sono i talk che vuoi proporre!
  • Tutti i relatori avranno diritto all’ingresso gratuito al WordCamp, quindi se ti candidi non procedere con l’acquisto del biglietto!
  • Nel caso in cui la tua candidatura venga respinta e tu decida comunque di venire (ovvio che vieni! 😉 ) non preoccuparti di restare senza biglietto: ne conserveremo uno per te, da acquistare al momento opportuno!
  • Non è previsto nessun pagamento o rimborso spese per chi viene a parlare a Milano: i WordCamp si basano sul volontariato.


WordCamp Milano 2016 will be held at the University of Milano-Bicocca on Saturday, October 22, 2016.

From now until September 11, 2016 you can send in your application as a speaker!


Everything about WordPress and its environment
Here are some ideas, but your suggestions are always welcome:

  • Development
  • Open Source
  • Community
  • Design
  • Content strategy
  • Business
  • Digital marketing
  • Blogging
  • SEO

Would you like to apply?

Applications are now closed! Thanks for submitting your talk, we will get in touch as soon as possibile.

Additional information

  • If you’d like to propose multiple topics, please submit the form multiple times, once for each topic.
  • All speakers will get a free ticket to WordCamp, so please, do not buy a ticket if you apply!
  • In case your talk will not be selected but you still want to come (of course you do! 😉 ) don’t worry, we’ll have a batch of tickets reserved for sale, after speakers are announced.
  • Volunteers only. WordCamps are 100% organized and staffed by volunteers, and WordCamps don’t pay speakers or cover speaker travel/accommodation.

image credits: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Parole in libertà futuriste tattili termiche olfattive, 1919 (Ediciones Futuristas De Poesia)

Autore: Dennis Ploetner

Dennis is an experienced PHP web developer who is passionate about WordPress and open source. He is curious when it comes to new trends in computer science and spends much of his free time updating and maintaining his WordPress plugins and supporting users. He is a native German speaker and speaks fluent Italian as he lives in Italy. He is also an active member of the Milan WordPress community, where he contributes as co-organiser of the WordPress Meetup.

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WordCamp Milano 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!